Energy Usage Calculator Appliance Power Rating (Watts) Average Daily Usage (Hours) Quantity Add Remove 0.00 kWh Calculate Energy Usage Ready to Transform Your Energy?Contact us today for a personalized quote and start your journey towards sustainable energy solutions.Get Started Full Name * Please enter your full name. This field is required. Email Address * We will use this email to contact you. This field is required. Mobile Number * Your contact number including the country code. This field is required. City Please enter your city. This field is required. Industry Type Select your industry type. Select an option Manufacturing Retail Agriculture Hospitality Other Size of Project * Select the size of your project. Select an option 50 to 100 kW 100 to 200 kW 200 to 500 kW 1 MW+ This field is required. Additional Requirements Provide any additional details about your energy needs. Submit There was an error trying to submit your form. Please try again.